Here’s another quickie, healthy and tasty breakfast idea!


•toasted whole wheat English muffin

•almond butter

•sliced nectarines

•ground flax seeds mixed with chia seeds

•Ikarian honey drizzle (I order it online. Delicious and chock full of nutrition from the untouched lands of the island of Ikaria!)

Takes just minutes and gets me through my morning clients. It’s either that or my yogurt mixture (see earlier post).

So many of my clients ask for quick ideas for breakfast especially if they tend to skip it altogether. Not good since they’ll be ravishingly hungry by lunchtime and may tend to overeat later. Plus, if this describes you, it will be difficult for you to get all of the valuable nutrients you need in the day to keep you healthy.


Love, Mk

A great way to attack your abs: knee tucks

I’m doing these knee tucks on the Hanger 44 Suspension system. A great way to vary them is by alternating pulling your knees in to the right and then left. This can also be done on a stability ball but is not for beginners as a beginner’s back may not be supported by a strong base of abdominal strength just yet.

Remember that there is always a progression with exercise from easier movements to more challenging movements. This is the safest way to avoid injury. Your trainer should have an instinct based on extensive experience and a proper education (preferably a 4 year degree) in exercise prescription.
