Mother-Daughter Team!

Amanda & Kim


I’m so happy to have these two returning to train with me. It’s going on 8 months for them without a solid exercise routine, and that’s long enough. I’m sure that’s true for many people but it will feel so much better to get moving again. I’ll also have them do a detailed food log for 3-5 days and take a look at how we can clean things up and cut corners a bit.

Sometimes all it takes is a little more of a plant based eating style and more healthy snacks. And I always look at triggers, habits, and a clients’ overall mentality. I’ll advise regular exercise at least 5 days/week so what they are exercising more often than not. The amount of time, weights, CV etc will depend on the client, injury history, etc.

It is a blast training these two together! I hope they inspire you to not wait any longer, figure out a solid schedule, get out the door, and move. We have to keep ourselves healthy now more than ever, and the instant benefits of exercising muscles are incredible.. the important chemicals that are emitted into our bloodstream are so valuable in addition to the immediate stress relief and improved outlook on life. Don’t think so much, just go!

Enjoy, and know that I didn’t give up on anyone and didn’t quit the personal training profession like a lot of trainers I have heard did. I am in it for the long run! It is what I love.